Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Life Is Busy...

So, we finally met a couple to go out with and we went to Crabby Bill's on Saturday night. We had a wonderful time. Crabby's is right on the water in Tampa and it was a gorgeous night. The band was playing Buffett tunes, the drinks were flowing and then...

I was peer pressured into doing something I still can't believe I did. I tried...

Gator Nuggets and Frog Legs. Both are disgusting and you shouldn't even try them, EVER!

I'm tan~the tannest I've ever been.

Brian and I are getting along very well. We're bonding and really acting like the newlyweds we didnt' get a chance to be with all that was going on when we got married.

I'm homesick~more than I thought I'd be. I miss my family like crazy. I miss my friends and girl time. I have to say that I've got the best friends ever, though. We still talk on the phone a lot! Miss you all!!

Tonight we think we are going to join the Tampa Bay (TB) Parrot Heads. If not tonight then the next meeting date. We are ready to make new friends and get silly!

I've finally got a few minutes to go read your blogs and try to catch up. Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts. You're all wonderful! Has anyone heard from Sarah R? Hope she's ok.


Jess said...

Sounds like you're getting out there!! No better way to make friends!!

I don't like gator, either. You're not alone!!

It's so good to hear that you all are acting like newlyweds. Sorry you are missing your family and friends, though.

Lis said...

I am so happy you are back girl....I missed you. Don't worry you are not alone in the whole weird blog thing - we all seemed to have gone through something at some point. I am just happy you are back and I am happy to hear all is going well in Florida. I understand being homesick, my Dad just got back from a visit to Maine and I am so jealous - I love it there.
Lots of hugs, Lis xo

Lis said...

I am so happy you are back girl....I missed you. Don't worry you are not alone in the whole weird blog thing - we all seemed to have gone through something at some point. I am just happy you are back and I am happy to hear all is going well in Florida. I understand being homesick, my Dad just got back from a visit to Maine and I am so jealous - I love it there.
Lots of hugs, Lis xo

Trish J said...

I've always regretted being unadventurous and passing on my one opportunity to eat "gator on a stick" at River Fest in Wilmington, NC. Now - after your review - I don't feel so bad!

Glad you're tan - I'm so pale I look jaundiced - and meeting some fun people!

Alicia said...

Excellent! I'm glad you are meeting people. I know you are homesick, but it will pass.
I wish I was in Maine, but it's my family. I'm still stuck here in Washington Crapola. I'm so glad you're back and I hope everything is going well with the new job for both of you!

Ann M. said...

I am so glad to hear you sounding so happy! Yay!

Have fun meeting people and making new friends.